Shaker Screens

McLanahan Shaker Screens, also known as Sand Dewatering Screens, 是为乳品生产商设计的,希望从回收的沙垫层中去除多余的水. 对砂土进行脱水可以缩短周转时间,同时减少细菌生长,提高整体独立式床层质量.

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从分离系统中回收的沙子将含有约20%的水分, which is too wet for freestall bedding. 把沙子堆成一堆,经过几周或几个月的调理,水就会浸出来, but that inventoried sand can tie up cash. With a Sand Dewatering Screen, the water is immediately reduced, 产生无滴漏的沙子,需要最少的调节.

砂石脱水筛可以作为砂石分离系统的一部分提供,也可以作为最后的脱水步骤添加. 许多奶牛场也用它来脱水从沙巷取出的沙子. In every case, the sand produced from these systems is cleaner, drier and requires less conditioning than a system without it.    

How Shaker Screens Work

To dewater recycled sand effectively, the washed sand is fed onto the steep, 砂石脱水筛进料端筛面向下倾斜,实现快速排水. 当物质在稍微向上倾斜的表面上积聚时,在过渡区域形成了一池水. 两个反向旋转的振动马达产生与筛面成一定角度的直线运动. This rapid motion accelerates the solids upward and forward, 迫使液体和细小的有机纤维通过砂子和筛网表面排出. 砂通过这种直线运动被输送到筛上的出料口. The uphill slope of the screen, along with a discharge weir, creates a deep bed of sand that acts as a filter medium, 允许比筛网开口细得多的材料保留. 通过筛管表面的水和沙子通常会被回收到源头,或者在水力旋流器系统中再次捕获. 这使得该工艺的回收率远远超过90%,同时产生清洁, dry sand product. In a sand separation system, 沙子里的水含有少量的有机物质,这些有机物质是细菌的食物. As the water is pulled from the sand in a Dewatering Screen, it drags with it a portion of those small fibers, which exit with the water. 这就产生了一种更清洁的沙子,而不需要使用额外的淡水. 筛管可以与Derocker配合使用,在层理砂脱水前将过大的和不稳定的物质从层理砂中去除. This Derocker removes large rocks, plastic, 如果木材和其他碎片最终进入沙层,可能会造成问题.

Why McLanahan Shaker Screens

McLanahan砂脱水筛最初是为骨料和采矿业的脱水而开发的, rinsing, scrubbing, sizing and washing sand and other materials. They are designed to produce a consistent drip-free product. 脱水筛已适应于乳品行业脱水循环砂层, 但他们仍然保持设计的完整性和他们生产的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的一致性.

所有的砂石脱水筛都配有侧板,侧板用哈克螺栓固定在交叉支架上. 这种重型结构为连接到屏幕面板上的所有纵向桁提供支撑. The screen panels, which are available in a variety of opening sizes, snap into the longitudinal stringers, allowing them to be quickly and easily replaced when necessary. 侧板由连接在内表面的橡胶板保护以防止磨损.

该机器使用橡胶缓冲器将支撑结构与电动机产生的分离水和沙子的强烈振动隔离开来. These buffers are perfect for wet, corrosive environments.

经过测试,砂石脱水筛可以去除40%的水和80%的有机物质,这些有机物质残留在回收的砂石中. In all cases, this creates a drier, 更清洁的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,可以更快速地重复使用,更少的调理.

Frequently Asked Questions About Shaker Screens

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A Sand Dewatering Screen can save you money in several ways. 更干燥、更清洁的砂需要更少的调节,这意味着更少的装载机和操作时间. Less conditioning means smaller stockpiles of sand. Click here to see how much money can get tied up in sand inventories. v

当一层沙子在脱水过程中形成时,筛网的效果最好. 如果砂床太大,它最终会堆积并堵塞筛管. 如果砂床太小,更大比例的细粒将随水逸出. 每个屏幕的大小都是针对要安装的特定应用程序的. This chart 显示可用的不同屏幕尺寸和它们可以处理的吨位. 

第一个用于再生砂的脱水筛经过了广泛的测试和采样. Here are the results from those tests. 

There are several ways to configure a Sand Lane System, 但基本上,它包括清理车道上的沙子,并将其倒入漏斗中, which feeds the dewatering system. Click here 观看安装在沙巷的脱水系统的视频.

Sometimes the sand is still dirty when it enters the Sand Dewatering Screen. 如果粪便纤维比筛网开口大,那么它们就不能被洗掉. In some cases, though, 可以安装一个喷雾条,加一些清水冲洗掉脏的粪肥水. When doing this, 重要的是在甲板的中间安装一个堰,在沙床上创造一个裂缝,让水可以通过. McLanahan的工程团队将会帮助你在屏幕上设置一个冲洗栏.


Features & Benefits
  • Produce cleaner, drier sand
  • Spend less time conditioning sand
  • Sand can be reused faster
  • Low power requirements
  • Mining-duty, abrasive-resistant design
  • Mining-duty, abrasive-resistant design
  • Multiple sizes, ranging from 10 to 90 tons per hours
  • Replaceable urethane screen panels
  • Corrosion-resistant, rubber vibration isolators
  • Vibration-resistant, Huck bolt construction

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